
illustration of a person reading a book titled how it works
  1. Pick your numbers or your pattern: Select up to 10 numbers on the Keno ticket. The numbers range from 1 – 80. Remember, picking your favourite numbers doesn’t increase your chances of winning; the odds of each number being drawn are the same.  If you are playing Keno in a retail location, you can choose a pattern (comprised of 40 numbers) instead of picking numbers. 
  2. Set your wager: Once you’ve decided on the numbers or pattern, determine how much you would like to wager on the draw. Be sure to set a budget and stick to it before you start playing. 
  3. Decide on Keno Bonus: If you would like a chance to multiply your potential winnings, you can add the Keno Bonus. The Keno Bonus multiplier is randomly determined at the beginning of each draw. 
  4. Watch the draw: 20 numbers will be randomly selected each draw. If the numbers you chose match those that are drawn, you win the corresponding prize. 


  • Set a budget: Before you start playing, pick a budget that works for you.
  • Take breaks: Keno draws are every 3.5 minutes, but there's no need to play them all.
  • Use your GameSense: Gambling outcomes are random. Play for fun instead of for money.


The odds of winning Keno depend on how many numbers you picked and how many of those match the drawn numbers. The odds range widely from 1 in 4 for picking and matching 1 number to 1 in 8,911,712 for matching 10 numbers. If you choose a pattern play, the odds of matching 20 or 0 numbers is 1 in 12,823,377. You can find all odds for Keno draws here. 


Keno is a high-risk game. Games that involve quick and repeated betting can quickly lead to problems. While it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of the game, or feel peer pressure to keep playing, there are strategies that can help keep Keno fun. Learn more about healthy play tips and the truth behind some common Keno myths.